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Grieche sucht Griechin / Mr. X macht Ferien / Nachrichten über den Stand des Ze
Im Warenkorb

Greek Man Seeks Greek Wife/ Mr. X Goes on Holiday/ News about the State of Press during the Stone Age

Published by Diogenes as Grieche sucht Griechin / Mr. X macht Ferien / Nachrichten über den Stand des Ze
Original Title: Grieche sucht Grieichin / Mister X macht Ferien
Arnolph Archilochos is a middle-aged puritan; pale, shy and rather plump. When he is not working as an assistant book-keeper in the Obstetrical Forceps Division of the Petit-Paysan Engineering Works, he is absorbed with the Old New Presbyterians of the Penultimate Christians. Then one day, encouraged by his landlady, he decides to get married. He advertises in the local newspaper, making only one stipulation: that his wife should be of the same nationality as himself - Greek. The answer to his advertisement is Chloe, who is voluptuous, affectionate, rich and - Greek. Suddenly the nondescript little clerk finds his wheel of fortune has begun to spin at giddy speed. Overnight he becomes popular, successful and wealthy. Then, at the height of his vertigo, on his wedding day, comes the moment of revelation and disillusion.

General Fiction
208 pages
