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Papa Schnapp und seine noch-nie-dagewesenen Geschichten
Im Warenkorb

I Am Papa Snap and These Are My Favorite No Such Stories

Published by Diogenes as Papa Schnapp und seine noch-nie-dagewesenen Geschichten
Original Title: I Am Papa Snap and These Are My Favorite No Such Stories

Papa Snap is a collector of hair-raising stories: like the one about Robinson Rutabaga, who ran away from home and took the family bathtub with him. Or the one about the hungry sofa. Or about Mr Balduin Breadcrumb, who gave his wife a steamroller for their silver wedding anniversary – very practical for ironing or rolling out pastry. Take a look at the pictures accompanying these sixteen bonkers, wonderful, genuinely original stories, and you will discover characters from Tomi Ungerer’s toy collection, which is on display at the Tomi Ungerer Museum in Strasbourg.

Children's books
23 × 29 cm
36 pages
ab 4 Jahren

»When we look at Tomi Ungerer's children's book ›Papa Snap‹, the affliction from which modern picture books suffer becomes immediately clear: their artificial childishness, their pedantry. Ungerer's ›No Such Stories‹ are so dazzling precisely because his humorous and macabre creations have no other intention than actually to be seen as humorous and macabre. At any rate, Ungerer is a seismograph. That which he cloaks in the guise of his animal characters is actually taking place all around us. A more intelligent provocation of the zeitgeist – so terse, so precise – would be hard to imagine. Our world's propensity to catastrophe is maliciously juxtaposed to the swaddled protective shield of the idyll, until the end product is unmasked: the catastrophic idyll, which can be gleaned on every one of ›Papa Snap's‹ unnerving pages. And yet, it remains a book for children.«
Wolfdietrich Schnurre
»The most imaginative and off-beat of Tomi Ungerer's picture books.«
Christine Lötscher / Tages-Anzeiger, Zurich
»When we look at Tomi Ungerer's children's book ›Papa Snap‹, the affliction from which modern picture books suffer becomes immediately clear: their artificial childishness, their pedantry. Ungerer's ›No Such Stories‹ are so dazzling precisely because his humorous and macabre creations have no other intention than actually to be seen as humorous and macabre. At any rate, Ungerer is a seismograph. That which he cloaks in the guise of his animal characters is actually taking place all around us. A more intelligent provocation of the zeitgeist – so terse, so precise – would be hard to imagine. Our world's propensity to catastrophe is maliciously juxtaposed to the swaddled protective shield of the idyll, until the end product is unmasked: the catastrophic idyll, which can be gleaned on every one of ›Papa Snap's‹ unnerving pages. And yet, it remains a book for children.«
Wolfdietrich Schnurre
»The most imaginative and off-beat of Tomi Ungerer's picture books.«
Christine Lötscher / Tages-Anzeiger, Zurich
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