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Der kleine Häwelmann
Im Warenkorb

Little John

A Fairy Tale by Theodor Storm
Published by Diogenes as Der kleine Häwelmann
Original Title: Der kleine Häwelmann

The night-time adventures of Little John – one of Germany's most beloved children's stories, accompanied by marvellous new illustrations by Tatjana Hauptmann, full of underlying humour. All day long, Little John gets pushed back and forth in his trundle bed by his mother; he just cannot get enough of it. But now, in the middle of the night, his mother is sleeping deeply, and the little boy is bored. So he stretches his leg up high, as though it were a mast, hangs his shirt on it as a sail and starts puffing with both his cheeks. Under the watchful eye of the good old moon, Little John sails three times around his room and then – »more, more!« – out into the town at night and – »more, more!« – further into the dark forest and – »more, more!« – far away, right to the end of the world. A wonderful bedtime story.

Children's books
27.5 × 25.2 cm
40 pages
ab 5 Jahren
