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Aus der Mitte des Sees
Im Warenkorb

From the Depth of the Lake

Published by Diogenes as Aus der Mitte des Sees
Original Title: Aus der Mitte des Sees

A Benedictine monastery, idyllically located by a lake. Their guest wing is well-frequented, but most of the monks are approaching biblical age. One of the younger monks has just left the monastery and started a family. Ever since, Lukas, who is in his late 30s, has also begun to question his path in life. Then Sarah appears - mindful, caring and corporeal. Lukas' fellows are urging him to take over the leadership of the monastery, but life is pulling at him, too. In order to make a decision, Lukas surrenders himself to the lake: the act of swimming allows our bodies and minds to open up.


»Moritz Heger has penned an intelligent, laconic novel about faith and the search for the right path in life.«

Sabine Willkop / SWR 2, Stuttgart

»This book is still, like a lake, and you can immerse yourself in it and lose yourself. And then the water carries you. Wonderful.«

Matthias Zehnder / Basel

»The lovely thing about this novel: it makes a plea for opening oneself up to things, both the new and the old.«

Claudia Ingenhoven / MDR Kultur, Halle

»From the Depth of the Lake is a quiet novel. Thoughtful, melancholic, densely woven and yet full of open development threads.«

Silke Arning / SWR 2, Stuttgart

»Reading this novel is like having a short holiday, the benefits of which stay with you for a long time.«

Gina Arzdorf / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt

»The questions this text raises are so fundamental that it could rival many thrillers in the tension stakes.«

Gina Arzdorf / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt

»An incredibly poetic book; like a long, beautiful poem, one without rhyme, yet interlaced with delicate humour.«

Ulla Müller / Bayern 1, Munich

»A quiet, calmly powerful story.«

Jan Draeger / Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Heidelberg

»A fate is unfurled carefully and with a gentle narrative rhythm.«

Münchner Merkur, Munich

»Wonderful; in its thinking, its language, its emotion.«

Ulla Müller / Bayern 1, Munich

»Moritz Heger has penned an intelligent, laconic novel about faith and the search for the right path in life.«

Sabine Willkop / SWR 2, Stuttgart

»This book is still, like a lake, and you can immerse yourself in it and lose yourself. And then the water carries you. Wonderful.«

Matthias Zehnder / Basel

»The lovely thing about this novel: it makes a plea for opening oneself up to things, both the new and the old.«

Claudia Ingenhoven / MDR Kultur, Halle

»From the Depth of the Lake is a quiet novel. Thoughtful, melancholic, densely woven and yet full of open development threads.«

Silke Arning / SWR 2, Stuttgart

»Reading this novel is like having a short holiday, the benefits of which stay with you for a long time.«

Gina Arzdorf / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt

»The questions this text raises are so fundamental that it could rival many thrillers in the tension stakes.«

Gina Arzdorf / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt

»An incredibly poetic book; like a long, beautiful poem, one without rhyme, yet interlaced with delicate humour.«

Ulla Müller / Bayern 1, Munich

»A quiet, calmly powerful story.«

Jan Draeger / Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Heidelberg

»A fate is unfurled carefully and with a gentle narrative rhythm.«

Münchner Merkur, Munich

»Wonderful; in its thinking, its language, its emotion.«

Ulla Müller / Bayern 1, Munich
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