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Erich Hackl

Erich Hackl

Erich Hackl, born in Steyr, Austria in 1954, studied German and Spanish and worked as a teacher and editor for a number of years. Madrid and Vienna, where he works as a writer and translator, have been home to him for a long time now. His stories are based on authentic cases. Aurora’s Motive and Farewell Sidonia are on school reading lists. Erich Hackl has received numerous awards, including the 2017 ›Human Rights Award‹ of the state of Upper Austria , the ›Anton Wildgans Prize 2015‹ by the Federation of Austrian Industry and the ›Award for Literature‹ from the city of Vienna in 2002.

  • ›Theodor Kramer Preis‹ für Schreiben im Widerstand und Exil, 2020
  • ›Menschenrechtspreis des Landes Oberösterreich‹, 2017
  • Vom österreichischen Bundeskanzleramt vergebener Übersetzerpreis ›Translatio‹ an Erich Hackl für sein Lebenswerk als Übersetzer von spanischer und insbesondere lateinamerikanischer Literatur, 2015
  • ›Ehrenring‹ seiner Geburtsstadt Steyr, 2015
  • ›Willy und Helga Verkauf-Verlon-Preis‹ für österreichische antifaschistische Publizistik an Erich Hackl, 2015
  • ›Literaturpreis der Österreichischen Industrie – Anton Wildgans‹ an Erich Hackl, 2015
  • ›Adalbert-Stifter-Preis Oberösterreich‹. Großer Kulturpreis des Landes Oberösterreich, 2013
  • Ehrendoktor der Universität Salzburg, 2011
  • ›Donauland-Sachbuchpreis‹, Wien, 2006
  • ›Ehrenpreis des Österreichischen Buchhandels für Toleranz in Denken und Handeln‹ für sein Gesamtwerk, 2004
  • ›Solothurner Literaturpreis‹ für sein Gesamtwerk, 2002
  • ›Preis der Stadt Wien für Literatur‹ für Die Hochzeit von Auschwitz, 2002
  • ›Premio Hidalgo‹ der spanischen Romavereinigung Presencia Gitana für sein Gesamtwerk, 1998
  • ›Bruno Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch‹ für In fester Umarmung, 1996
  • ›Gerrit-Engelke-Literaturpreis‹ der Landeshauptstadt Hannover für sein Gesamtwerk, 1995
  • ›Kulturpreis des Landes Oberösterreich‹, 1994
  • ›Evangelischer Buchpreis‹ des Deutschen Verbandes Evangelischer Büchereien für Abschied von Sidonie, 1991
  • ›Prix de littérature étrangère Ecureuil‹ anlässlich der 5. Buchmesse in Bordeaux für Abschied von Sidonie, 1991
  • ›Österreichischer Förderungspreis für Literatur‹, 1991
  • ›1. Grand-Prix Genève – Europe‹ der Union europäischer Fernsehanstalten (EBU) für das Filmdrehbuch Sidonie Adlersburg, 1988
  • ›Aspekte-Literaturpreis‹ für die Erzählung Auroras Anlaß, 1987
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Movie Adaptations
  • Der Heimwehträger. Neunzig Minuten mit Fritz Kalmar. Eine Freundesgabe, Erich Hackl, 2011
  • Abschied von Sidonie, Karin Brandauer, 1990
»A masterful and authoritative chronicler.«
Michael Opitz / Deutschlandradio Berlin

»The name Erich Hackl has become a trademark for wonderfully sensitive real-life stories unique in contemporary German literature.«

Tobias Becker / KulturSpiegel, Hamburg
»Erich Hackl's concise and hauntingly dense works of prose have gained him a huge audience and great success. At the bottom of his efforts are usually some forgotten beings, victims of our century's cruel history, with their authentic albeit not exactly remembered biography. Here Hackl, the Austrian author, overly sensitized perhaps because of his own country's extreme insensitivities, steps in and tries to bring about an act of belated justice and redemption. This obviates the question whether Hackl is a fiction writer or a historian, a lawyer of the ›small people‹ or a missionary voice of human dignity: he is all of these, and ideally they all add up to make a writer.«
Erich Wolfgang Skwara / World Literature Today, New York

»Erich Hackl's narrative is masterful and compelling.«

Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin

»One of Austria’s virtuoso masters of language [. . .] who has done more to correct our image of history than a dozen historians put together.«

Thomas Rothschild / Die Presse, Vienna
»A masterful and authoritative chronicler.«
Michael Opitz / Deutschlandradio Berlin

»The name Erich Hackl has become a trademark for wonderfully sensitive real-life stories unique in contemporary German literature.«

Tobias Becker / KulturSpiegel, Hamburg
»Erich Hackl's concise and hauntingly dense works of prose have gained him a huge audience and great success. At the bottom of his efforts are usually some forgotten beings, victims of our century's cruel history, with their authentic albeit not exactly remembered biography. Here Hackl, the Austrian author, overly sensitized perhaps because of his own country's extreme insensitivities, steps in and tries to bring about an act of belated justice and redemption. This obviates the question whether Hackl is a fiction writer or a historian, a lawyer of the ›small people‹ or a missionary voice of human dignity: he is all of these, and ideally they all add up to make a writer.«
Erich Wolfgang Skwara / World Literature Today, New York

»Erich Hackl's narrative is masterful and compelling.«

Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin

»One of Austria’s virtuoso masters of language [. . .] who has done more to correct our image of history than a dozen historians put together.«

Thomas Rothschild / Die Presse, Vienna
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Erich Hackl
More Happiness in Life
General Fiction / 432 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Roped Together
General Fiction / 128 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Three Tearless Stories
General Fiction / 160 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
This Book Belongs to My Mother
General Fiction / 128 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
The Salzmann Family
General Fiction / 192 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
As If an Angel
General Fiction / 176 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
If the Father Fits
General Fiction / 304 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Wedding at Auschwitz
General Fiction / 192 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Love at First Sight
General Fiction / 80 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
In a Firm Embrace
General Fiction / 336 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Sara And Simón
General Fiction / 208 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Farewell Sidonia
General Fiction / 128 pages
Im Warenkorb
Erich Hackl
Aurora's Motive
General Fiction / 144 pages
Im Warenkorb
Familie Salzmann
Am Seil
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